Emergancy barrels are a great way to collect and store water for later use. They can be used for watering lawns, gardens or indoor plants, and can really help to reduce the amount of water that flows off your property. Many cities and towns distribute rain barrels to residents through annual sales, or you can buy them from online retailers or local home and garden supply stores. Cisterns are also used to “harvest” rain water, and have a greater storage capacity than rain barrels. They can be located above or below ground.

Emergancy barrels are a great way to collect and store water for later use. They can be used for watering lawns, gardens or indoor plants, and can really help to reduce the amount of water that flows off your property. Many cities and towns distribute rain barrels to residents through annual sales, or you can buy them from online retailers or local home and garden supply stores. Cisterns are also used to “harvest” rain water, and have a greater storage capacity than rain barrels. They can be located above or below ground.

Note: Remember that as rain water flows over a roof surface it can pick up pollutants such as bacteria from birds and other animals, and chemicals from roof materials – factors to consider when thinking about using rain barrel water on edible plantings. Some links with information and suggestions for the best use of rain barrel water are included below:

Information About Emergency Barrels

Looking for local resources in your area? Check out our state-by-state list below to see what’s available near you:

  • Connecticut
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

One of the benefits of having rain barrels is that they can be used in an emergency. If there is a power outage or a natural disaster, having a rain barrel can provide you with water for basic needs like washing and cleaning. If necessary, the water can be boiled for consumption. This way, you will be prepared for any emergency without having to go to the store and fight with other people for bottled water.

Emergency Barrel Concerns

One of the main concerns with using rain barrels is the possibility of attracting mosquitoes. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, and some of the most dangerous types of mosquitoes often live near still water. However, there are ways to help prevent this from happening.

Your local council may offer a treatment option to keep mosquitoes away. Another way to keep mosquitoes at a minimum is to add a drop or two of liquid dish soap periodically. The soap creates a film on top of the water, breaking the surface tension. Therefore, if mosquitoes make it into the barrel to lay their eggs, they will drown before they have a chance to hatch.

Look for a rain barrel that comes with a lid and mosquito netting as well. If you live in an area where mosquitoes are common, this is especially important. If you do feel that your rain barrel has become a breeding ground for insects, then empty the container out completely. A rain barrel with a tightly sealed lid will also prevent pets and children from falling into the barrel.