Unfortunately, Waterloo Station in London, England doesn’t have any lockers. It also doesn’t have luggage storage of any kind that comes as a part of the station. However, there are a small handful of ways to keep your luggage safe while you’re exploring London. visit here
Below are a handful of tips on how to keep your luggage safe while you’re in Waterloo Station, including some small investments you should make that could truly go a long way in easing your luggage-related stress and giving you a sense of peace regarding the safety of your baggage.
Reserve Luggage Storage
While the Waterloo Station itself doesn’t come with a locker system, there are a number of other ways to figure out luggage storage in Waterloo Station.
One of the more popular options is to find a luggage storage company that services the London and Waterloo Station area. There are many companies that specialize in luggage storage in Waterloo Station, and these will typically agree to keep an eye on your luggage while you’re running around the city if you’re willing to pay a small fee.
Some of these services will also give you discounts on your first bag. If you aren’t willing to look beyond the station for storage options, this isn’t a bad option in the slightest. These companies pride themselves in keeping your bags safe while you’re exploring the city.
While you’re paying a nominal fee, you are also gaining the ability to freely roam and look at the art, architecture, culture, and dining experiences without the added burden of your bags.
Especially if you aren’t planning on leaving the area for a little while, this is probably the best solution for luggage storage in Waterloo Station.
Invest in Good Luggage Locks
In addition to reserving luggage storage, it might also be a good idea to invest in some high-quality luggage locks, no matter what trip you’re embarking on.
Having two barriers of protection for your belongings can potentially offer you even more peace of mind. Not only can no one grab your luggage from you, but even those who have access to your luggage because they’re providing a service aren’t going to be able to open your bags.
Of course, this is really only necessary if you have a sore lack of trust in others, even when you’re paying them a service fee for looking after your belongings. However, sometimes this worry is coming from a good place and is rooted in poor traveling experiences.
Or, even if you choose to not reserve luggage storage in Waterloo Station and instead decide to always keep your luggage within an arm’s reach of your person, using locks as a form of protection can be better than no extra layers of protection at all.
Tamper-Proof and Tamper-Resistant Luggage
While no luggage can be 100% tamper-proof with undeniable certainty, investing in luggage that is a little more tamper-resistant might also offer you some peace while you’re traveling.
If you choose to keep your luggage next to you while you’re in the Waterloo Station, or even if you choose to keep it with you while you’re traveling around London, tamper-resistant luggage pairs extremely nicely with luggage-appropriate locks.
This combination of locks and tamper-resistant luggage might be one of the stronger contenders for good luggage storage in Waterloo Station. However, if these two forms of protection and security are combined with reserved luggage storage that’s away from prying eyes and stealing hands, you might be even more secure.
Keep it with You
If you’re absolutely set on spending as little money as possible while you’re in Waterloo Station and its surrounding areas, then you may feel like keeping your luggage with you is the best form of luggage storage. Maybe you truly only trust yourself or other members in your traveling party with your personal belongings.
However, you could theoretically be purchasing yourself a great amount of freedom if you choose to not be weighed down by your bags every step of your journey.
Put Your Luggage in Your Hotel Room
If you’re renting out a hotel room near the Waterloo Station, keeping your luggage there is likely a good option. And while there are potential issues of needing to keep your luggage with you until you’re able to check into your room (or after you’ve checked out, if you’re nearing the end of your stay), this is one of the safer options.
However, this is not necessarily the ideal situation if you’re looking for luggage storage in Waterloo Station specifically. If you’re set on keeping your luggage in the station, or you simply aren’t staying in London long enough to warrant renting out a hotel room, this probably won’t be the best option for you or your traveling party.